Skuggie Photos

A Dutch horsegirl with her camera

Do you have any photos of when you were younger, or when you were just making memories or spending time with that special person or animal, that just give you a big smile when you look at them? Create that warm feeling inside as you remember how it felt, how it was, to be there? I sure do. I have a folder on my phone with photos of me and my greatest memories, and I just love to look at them and share them every now and then. They remind me how badass I can be, how much I love travelling, how passionate I am about horses. Those photos are really special for me, because they are something I can use to keep those memories and happy feelings alive. And seeing it helps so much in remembering it!

For me, photos are something special. The world, our lives, and our loved ones are constantly changing. What is now, may not be tomorrow. We know that, we actually take the time to savor our time with loved ones? Do we study them, imprint them in memory, and acknowledge that now, is not forever? And even if we do, our lives are busy. Our memories are faulty. We tend to forget things, moments, memories.


That is why I take photos. Not only is it my passion, my way to make the beauty I see in the world visible to other people. But it's also my way of saving those special memories for you. How amazing would it be, to have a beautiful, high quality photo, to remember those precious moments forever?


